Nuestro servicio

¿Qué hacemos?

Capturamos imágenes 2D a través de un RPA/Drone.

Creamos un gemelo digital a partir de las fotos recopiladas.

Al sumarle inteligencia artificial (IA) se genera un gemelo digital inteligente.

Esta herramienta permite realizar anotaciones y mediciones, usando las imágenes originales combinadas con el modelo 3D.

Genera informes automáticos que registran y compilan las observaciones realizadas con información posicional.

Gestiona todos tus activos desde un solo lugar.

Toda la información queda almacenada en la nube para su futuro uso y respaldo.

Digitalización de torres de telecomunicación.

  • Captura datos en menos de 35 minutos por torre

  • Optimiza y mejora el proceso de inspección

  • Seguridad para los trabajadores

  • Reducción de costos

Digitalización de torres de telecomunicaciones.

  • Captura datos en menos de 35 minutos por torre

  • Optimiza y mejora el proceso de inspección

  • Seguridad para los trabajadores

  • Reducción de costos

Digitalización de torres de telecomunicación.

  • Captura datos en menos de 35 minutos por torre

  • Optimiza y mejora el proceso de inspección

  • Seguridad para los trabajadores

  • Reducción de costos




How It Works


Collect Every Data

This definition can be further confused


Import Data For Real-Time

This definition can be further confused


Import Data For Real-Time

This definition can be further confused


Industries we are transforming our awesome solutions

We Provide Realtime Data Solutions For Media & Entertainment.

This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you'll need throughout the entire data science pipeline

This article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities. This definition is somewhat loose since there really.

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We Provide Realtime Data Solutions For Media & Entertainment.

This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you'll need throughout the entire data science pipeline

This article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities. This definition is somewhat loose since there really.

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We Provide Realtime Data Solutions For Media & Entertainment.

This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you'll need throughout the entire data science pipeline

This article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities. This definition is somewhat loose since there really.

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We Provide Realtime Data Solutions For Media & Entertainment.

This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you'll need throughout the entire data science pipeline

This article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities. This definition is somewhat loose since there really.

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We Provide Realtime Data Solutions For Media & Entertainment.

This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you'll need throughout the entire data science pipeline

This article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities. This definition is somewhat loose since there really.

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We Provide Realtime Data Solutions For Media & Entertainment.

This Specialization covers the concepts and tools you'll need throughout the entire data science pipeline

This article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities. This definition is somewhat loose since there really.

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Case Study

We Provide Solution

Miranda H. Halim

Article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities.

Miranda H. Halim

Founder or Mairala Co.
Miranda H. Halim

Article is intended to help define the data scientist role, including typical skills, qualifications, education, experience, and responsibilities.

Miranda H. Halim

Founder or Mairala Co.
Miranda H. Halim

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